In a world of advanced style, the clip-less curling wand is ideal for creating classic "Old Hollywood" long-lasting, bouncy curls. We make it simple to create that celebrity look that...
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In a world of advanced style, the clip-less curling wand is ideal for creating classic "Old Hollywood" long-lasting, bouncy curls. We make it simple to create that celebrity look that lasts up to 48 hours! The clip-less barrel distributes heat evenly without creating frizz or heat damage, leaving the hair silky and shiny. Super fast heat up time, barrel temperature remains consistent curl after curl. You'll have playful, free-flowing curls to impress within minutes.
  • Easy on/off switch with light indicator
  • Heats up to 430FH
  • Ceramic coated non stick barrel
  • Tangle free swivel cord
  • Includes heat resistant thermal glove
  • Heavy duty long life heating element
  • Comfortable easy grip handle
  • Voltage: 110-240V
  • Frequency: 50/60Hz
  • Power: 45W (USA) 25W (Canada)
  • CETL
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