100% Ceramic plates Adjustable heat dial Heats up to a high heat of 450DFH 6 heat increments Great for all hair types and textures Swivel cord for extra comfort Curl,...
Availability: In Stock
  • 100% Ceramic plates
  • Adjustable heat dial
  • Heats up to a high heat of 450DFH
  • 6 heat increments
  • Great for all hair types and textures
  • Swivel cord for extra comfort
  • Curl, flip, straighten
  • Produces negative ions and far infrared heat which is much more gentle on your hair, seals hair follicles to preserve moisture and ultimately conditions hair for added shine and health
  • For fine, damaged or chemically treated hair, use lower heat settings, below 300 degrees (start with the lowest heat setting and work up if necessary)
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